Five Reasons to Rejoice

How do we keep a positive outlook when there are so many stressful things to deal with in life? This message gives five specific reasons for every believer to rejoice. Giving thanks for these realities can jump start joy in our hearts, so to speak. Sometimes all we need is a few reminders of what God has already done for us to help see life from a healthier perspective. “Count your blessings, name them one by one, and it will surprise you what the Lord has done.”  [From song entitled “Count Your Blessings” by Johnson Oatman, Jr.]

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1. How do you nurture gratefulness in your life? How do you avoid complaining?

2. How does rejoicing “because your names are written in heaven” put life’s events in perspective?

3. Do you make it a practice to “count your blessings”? What does that look like in your life?

4. How much do you think about heaven and your reward in heaven? How does that help put life’s events in perspective?

5. Why do we “count it all joy” when we go through various trials?
6. Does the thought of Jesus’ return stir your heart? Does it seem real or just religious?

7. What other reasons for rejoicing come to your mind?