Propelled into Destiny

What preparations do Americans need to make for the days ahead?

This sermon examines the interaction of freewill with divine providence in Daniel’s life. By divine providence, Daniel was Placed in a Crisis. He found himself in a tough situation through no fault of his own. In fact, it was all part of God’s plan for his life. Daniel had consecrated himself to the Lord and God had prepared him for this pivotal moment in his life. Since Daniel was prepared, the crisis actually became an opportunity for this man of God. He was Propelled into his destiny by this crisis!

What challenges will American Christians face in the days ahead? This sermon addresses the one crucial preparation for whatever may come.

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A. Pivotal Moments Come to Everyone B. Examples: Martin Luther


C. What Crucial Decisions Await Us?

I. Placed in a Crisis
A. Providential Events of Text (Dan. 2:1-13)

B. Previous Events in Daniel’s life II. Prepared for the Crisis

  1. Preparation by Previous Consecration
  2. The Times in Which We Life1Tim. 3:1-5

    Isa. 59:19-60:2; Dan. 11:32

  3. Priority of Spiritually Equipping(Dan. 2:14-19)

III. Propelled by the Crisis (into Destiny) (Dan. 2:47-49)

A. Crisis Became Opportunity Because Prepared B. Faith is Required to Meet the Crisis
C. Leadership Emerges in a Crisis



A. How Will We Respond to Pivotal Moments that Are Ahead? B. What Preparations Are Needed Now?

Discussion Questions

1. Why was Daniel able to respond to the crisis in the way he did?

2. How do you see God’s sovereign providence interacting with free will in this story?

(What was beyond Daniel’s control? What was Daniel’s responsibility?)

3. What trends do you see in America that may bring pivotal decisions in Christians’ lives?

4. What preparations for tomorrow’s pivotal moments are you making today? 5. What is God speaking to you this morning?