Daniel’s Evangelism Strategy

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Daniel’s Evangelism Strategy
by Pastor Richard Tow
December 4, 2016
Text: Daniel 4:27

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This message uses the example of Daniel to teach principles of evangelism. The principles discussed apply whether a person is engaged in life-style evangelism, street evangelism, or other forms of evangelism. We need to stir up one another toward the Great Commission in our daily lives and this message is intended to do that.

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Daniel’s Evangelism Strategy
Tow 12/4/16


A.     Subject: Daniel as a model evangelist
B.      John the Baptist style extremely confrontive
C.      Philip fits closely with image we have of evangelist
> City-wide crusade (Acts 8)
> Power evangelism
D.    Regardless of style, rejoice that Jesus is proclaimed (Phil. 1:18)
> Jude 22-23 (use different styles as needed)
> Daniel style: Lifestyle Evangelism
> OK to analyze and choose style; but be careful about criticizing way others do it.
E.  Three components of Daniel’s evangelism:

I.   Live a consecrated life to God yourself.

A.  Daniel as teen: first priority to be true to Lord himself.
> Avoid defiling himself.
> Appeal to chief eunuch
B.  Daniel as counselor when Nebuchadnezzar dreamed about tree cut down.
> Earned right to be heard by his lifestyle
C.  Daniel as elder thrown in lion’s den
> Enemies could find no fault in his life (Dan. 6:3-9)

II.  Trust God’s involvement in the process.

A.  Continue praying and trust God with outcome of lion’s den
> Didn’t just life a good life; lived life of faith.
> Demonstrated God’s faithfulness to others when delivered from lions
B.  In Dan. 2 stepped forward when others stepping back
> Told king would get answer while didn’t yet have it
> Got Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego to help him pray.

III. Speak the truth respectfully, yet firmly.

A.  As a teen he spoke to chief eunuch about his consecration to God.
B.  When interpreted Nebuchadnezzar’s dream about image, gave God the glory.
Dan. 2:28 “But there is a God in heaven who reveals secrets….”
C.  When interpreted Nebuchadnezzar’s dream about the tree, called him to repentance.
Dan. 4:27 “Therefore, O king, let my advice be acceptable to you: break off your sins…”
D.  After the seven years Nebuchadnezzar did repent and testified to multitudes.


A.  Effective evangelism includes these three components (regardless of style):
(1) Live your message
(2) Trust your God
(3) Speak your message
B. Daniel influenced the people in his life; then they influenced others.
C.  Must live it and speak it!



1. What style of evangelism do you usually operate in?

2. How does your daily behavior affect you evangelistic effectiveness?
Are people looking for perfection in you or just sincerity/authenticity? Explain.

3. Why is speaking the message and calling people to decision so essential?

4. Who would you like to reach for the Lord? Can we pray with you for that?

5. What is God saying to you this morning?