by Pastor Richard Tow
October 11, 2015
Text: Matthew 25:13
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Description: This message calls upon Christians to prepare now for the challenges and opportunities that will be here tomorrow in America. Pastor Richard uses the lives of David and Peter to illustrate the importance of preparation. Jesus taught this truth using the Parable of the Ten Virgins which concludes with Matthew 25:13, “Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming.” Find out what preparations you need to be making now!
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Prepared and Ready
I. Peter
A. Thought he was ready in Matthew 26:31-15 (read).
B. Was ready in Acts 4:5-14 (read).
C. Difference was Acts 2.
Acts 4:8 “Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said….”
II. David was ready for the opportunity God had arranged for him (1 Kings 17).
A. Hundreds of Israelite soldiers there that had same opportunity as he did.
> Looked better prepared.
David’s heat prepared.
B. David’s preparations:
(1) Submission.
Not treated right by his father, Jesse.
Yet no trace of resentment in David’s heart toward his family.
Submits to his father.
(2) Humility.
Back to duties with the sheep after anointed to be king.
Later into palace as musician: moved back and forth with such ease.
Eccl 9:10, “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might….”
(3) Worship.
Lot of time alone with God on the hillside watching the sheep.
Developed keen ability to hear God.
Little did he know he was being equipped to play instrument in the king’s palace.
It was not just his playing skill that brought peace and relief to King
Matt 6:6 “But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door,
pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.”
Skill is secondary to heart condition.
(4) War.
Fought private battles that equipped him to fight the public ones.
Learned key to victory: Faith in God!
Faithful over few things and God made him ruler over many.
Motivated by his loyalty to honor of God.
Polycarp: “Eighty six years have I served Him and He never did me any injury.
How then can I blaspheme my King and my Savior?”
God does these two things for His people.
(Prepares opportunities for service and prepares us for the opportunities if we receive it.)
C. We are in a season of preparation.
(1) By faith David overcame the obstacle.
Faith issues out of our relationship with God: Rom. 10:17.
(2) David’s declaration to Goliath (1 Sam. 17:24).
(3) Israelite soldiers jumped into battle once David had already won it.
III. Jesus had a lot to say about preparation.
A. Parable of the Ten Virgins
Two groups had a lot in common.
(1) They were all virgins; they were the bridesmaids for the wedding.
(2) They were all members of the wedding party. They were all there by invitation.
(3) They all had taken the time to be at this wedding.
(4) They all slept when the bridegroom was delayed.
(5) They all had the same intent. They all wanted to attend the festivities.
(6) They all responded to the call when the Bridegroom arrived.
(7) They all got up and trimmed their lamps.
One crucial difference.
Foolish virgins had not made adequate preparation and the wise virgins did.
Attempted to make up for negligence, but opportunity had already passed.
Matt. 25:13 “Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of
Man is coming.”
B. Are you ready to walk into God’s plan as it unfolds ahead of you?
(1) When David sent with provisions for brothers, no idea what he was about to step into.
(2). My son-in-law was working in Kansas City and suddenly opportunity opened for him.
(3). I was working at Bell Helicopter as a janitor –suddenly I offered a position as an accountant. 4.
(4) In 1995 an Assemblies of God church in Pensacola, FL was having a Father’s Day service.
Suddenly—over the next five years 4 million people– 200,000 were saved.
But they were prepared. Two years earlier the church had begun praying for revival.
C. When I look into the future of America I see opportunity.
Yes, there are winds blowing in adverse directions. There is moral decline, debt, etc.
But there is God!
Troubled times can be opportune times for evangelism.
Will I be ready to reap the harvest?
(1) I don’t see a lot of Christians getting spiritually prepared.
Occupied with the cares of this life: busy.
Days of Noah, everybody was busy–overlooked the one thing that made all the difference.
People think they can put God on hold; then when they need him, reach up on the shelf.
(2) What should we prepare for? Persecution and Revival: all at the same time.
Get anchored in your commitment to Christ.
Nominal Christians may not stick it out when it gets costly to do so.
Best preparation for persecution is to get wholehearted and fully committed to Christ NOW.
Best preparation for revival is to get wholehearted and fully committed to Christ NOW.
Best preparation for coming of the Lord is to get wholehearted and fully committed to Christ NOW.
Best thing you can do to prepare for tomorrow is to get wholehearted & fully committed to Christ NOW.